
M. Watson Mulkey


A poet once told me “Someone is always on their way to you.” I’m glad you’re finally here.

For what seems like a considerable amount of time, I’ve been threatening to put together a blog. The intersection of needing to find new work (see below) and as a part of my continuing journey with learning Ruby and Rails, putting together a Jekyll blog seemed like a good idea. One of the many advantages of working at The Iron Yard is that you’re never short on people to ask technical questions of, and if getting by with help from friends was good enough for The Beatles I don’t suppose it’s off limits to me either.

That said, after 2+ awesome years at The Iron Yard, I’m currently scanning the horizon looking for my next move. If you’re interested in talking about work, the time herded cattle in loafers, what’s on my karaoke playlist, my thoughts about the oxford comma, or about how color is a finite resource; get in touch below.

Find me on GitHub or Twitter or plain ‘ole email: watsonmulkey@gmail.com.